How to Respond to Discrimination Complaints

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Have you ever found yourself in the position of receiving an email from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), notifying you that you are a witness in a discrimination complaint? 

It is essential to understand the nature of these complaints, the laws governing them, and how you both address and prevent them.


Training Series: Advanced

Instructor: Steve Mattioli

Time: 1hr 30 Min.



00:00 – You Just Received an Email

08:41 – What is the EEOC – Discrimination Laws

17:10 – Top Five Categories of Complaints / Discrimination Statistics 

27:56 – Resolutions and Remedies

33:58 – The Process / Investigations & Examples

48:15 – The Attorney’s Role

58:43 – How to Respond / Do’s & Don’ts

1:10:46 – Prevention Measures

1:28:38 – Wrap Up


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