Spreadsheet Magic - Analyzing Large Datasets II
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Every leader needs to know how to slice large datasets. In Part II Steve will take you to the next level and equip you with advanced skills to slice larger datasets using powerful new tools.
This training will show you how to quickly and easily, without programming, slice through thousands of data records to answer questions and make better decisions.
Training Series: Data
Instructor: Steve Mattioli
Time: 31:31 Min.
00:00 – Answer the Question / CSV Files
03:40 – Demo I – Query, Sort & Filter Large External Dataset Traditional Method
14:18 – Demo II – Introducing the Pivot Table – Top Baby Name in NY City
26:50 – Spotting Data Anomalies
28:32 – Demos Summary
30:00 – Wrap Up
Tools available for download are contained in the following zip file link. Upon clicking the link the file will download to your computer.